Alita Battle Angel FINALLY makes its theatrical debut – was it worth the wait? We provide both spoiler free & spoilercast reactions (don’t worry – we give you a heads…
Alita Battle Angel FINALLY makes its theatrical debut – was it worth the wait? We provide both spoiler free & spoilercast reactions (don’t worry – we give you a heads…
Apex Legends got dropped into our laps out of nowhere! Is this latest battle royale title a contender to unseat Fort Nite or is it simply a flash in the…
We step out of our Javelins to share our thoughts on Bioware’s new IP. Did it impress us or give us cause for concern? Also, our adventures in Red Dead…
Green herbs? Check. 90s haircut? Oh yes. Corporations that falsely advertise selling umbrellas? Sounds like Resident Evil 2 Remastered to us! In episode 106, we scrounge up just enough bullets…
We pivot and chat about our anticipated movies of 2019! We also talk about Resident Evil 2, RDR2, Reddit, upcoming Joygasm merch, Gearbox CEO & former attorney lawsuits, Amazon streaming…
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