Bloodlines: The Alexa Holmes Chronicles was a mobile game that is best described as ‘Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego’ meets ‘Buffy: The Vampire Slayer’. The unique challenge for this game was to have it be created completely in Micorosoft’s Expression Blend program – no game engine whatsoever. As Creative Director, I was very interested in seeing how far we could push the production values, but there were several factors we had to consider; the CEO wanted the game file size to be no bigger than 10MB, this game was to be released on the iPhone 3G (which didn’t have nearly the horsepower of today’s iPhone offering), and we had a total of 3 months to finish it in. The game mechanic was simple enough, so I thought it would be neat to wrap it in an engaging story and give it a 1940s film noir, graphic novel aesthetic. Using Expression Blend, I was able to leverage single illustrations that artist Jim Crabtree had conjured up, cut them up into foreground, midground, and background assets, edit the camera movement, and sync up the sound. Unfortunately, a lot of the ideas my team had didn’t get realized as there simply wasn’t enough time to cram it all in, but I still believe that what we were able to produce has merit.
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